A letter from the minister of our partner church in Kadacs:

Dear supporters!

As you can see, all the money you send has gone to families and students who really need it. Unfortunately, there is no kindergarten or school in the village, so children have to go to school from an early age - some closer, some further away. The school bus takes the kindergarteners and younger students to and from school every day. But secondary school pupils have two options:

- go to boarding school and come home only on weekends and holidays

- commute every day (take the scheduled bus in the morning and come home in the afternoon/evening)

- students live either in a rented flat or in a boarding house

I'd like to share a few amounts with you, so that you can see a little more clearly how much your support helps.

- The average cost of boarding is $86.13/month. (That's an average of 9 months or about $775)

- The cost of boarding at university is similar, but here you have to pay for meals. (about $4.5/lunch)

- Those who travel every day either drive their own car and are driven by their parents or buy a bus pass, which is about $86/month.

Thank you so very much for supporting these young people!


Lőrinczi-Vass Zsuzsánna