Pastoral Care Committee

Mission Statement

The Pastoral Care Team works with and supports the minister’s pastoral ministry in reaching out to all members and friends of First Parish of Norwell. We support those who are adjusting to change, loss, illness or death. We share in moments of celebration and happiness. We reach out to those who are unable to get out and who would like a visit. We share in situations that require a special touch of human kindness and an open ear. Pastoral Care Team members are a caring, listening presence, but do not counsel, perform therapy or offer advice.In all our contacts we remember the importance of confidentiality. The Pastoral Care Team members will be in contact with the Minister regarding important information and, unless requested otherwise, will share information with each other in order to benefit from mutual insight and support. Beyond this, all information imparted to the Pastoral Care Team members will be treated with the same confidentiality that applies to the Minister or as mandated by law.

Description: “To minister to each other’s needs…”

Please contact us if we might be of help or comfort. We count on the congregation to keep us in touch with pastoral needs of our community.

The Pastoral Care Team:

Sue Robinson, Joanne Howard, Joyce Hockman, Betsey Detwiler, Noel Constantino, Marcia Babcock, Sue Sulc and Debbie Chase