We Value the Inherent Worth & Dignity of Every Person
Right Relations Covenant
Diversity is an inherent aspect of Unitarian Universalism. The vitality and integrity of our faith, and the health of our congregation depend upon the respectful expression of our differences. Therefore, in order to create a beloved religious community where every person can search for truth and meaning in an environment that builds connections, renews spirit, and inspires action, we enter into this covenant of right relations as expressed by the ideals and examples listed below. We commit to living and working with this covenant in all our human imperfection and acknowledge that this is a living document that may change in the future.
Our Ideals:
Welcome and Hospitality
We welcome and engage members and visitors alike.
We share the vision of Unitarian Universalism and invite others to join us.
We greet friends and strangers warmly while respecting their boundaries.
We take the time to get to know one another.
Furthering Diversity
We work to foster a multicultural and multigenerational community that sees diversity
in all its manifestations as a sign of our strength.
We strive for inclusiveness.
We work to empower the disempowered.
We are mindful that silence in the face of bigotry implies consent.Listening and Speaking
We listen with respect and attention and speak with care.
We listen to understand, deeply and compassionately.
We encourage people to speak their truth without blaming, shaming, judging, or competing with them when they do.
We freely add our viewpoint to the mix of viewpoints spoken, refraining from silencing ourselves.
We respect confidentiality.Serving our Church Community
We serve our church community with generosity and good humor, and we acknowledge the service of others.
We honor all levels of service to the church.
We encourage ourselves and others to make choices that balance everyone's needs.
We invite others to join us in our activities, including membership on committees, respecting that they have the right to say no.Financial Stewardship
We give generously of our financial resources so that our parish will thrive.
We support the parish with as generous a pledge as possible within our means.
We keep our financial commitments to the parish.
We appreciate our physical environment and contribute to its maintenance and improvement. We appreciate and contribute to support the work of the Parish staff and of the many volunteers.Working with Conflict
We work to resolve conflicts directly, with openness and compassion.
We make every effort to settle differences directly.
We stay engaged with each other through difficult conversations.
We refrain from triangulation (we do not ask others to relay potentially emotional or conflictual communications to a third person on our behalf, nor do we relay such information for others.)
We hold ourselves responsible for hearing all sides.
We do the inner work required to show up, stay present, and remain open-minded.Forgiveness and Reconciliation
We acknowledge our mistakes and shortcomings.
We forgive ourselves and others.
We acknowledge our own and others' imperfections.
We honor commitments made during reconciliation of conflicts.Learning and Growing
We support and encourage one another's spiritual seeking and learning in many forms.
We participate in meaningful worship services.
We support religious educational opportunities for all ages.
We are open to growth and to new perspectives.Solidarity and Accompaniment
We support each other in times of need and celebrate with one another in times of joy.
We honor the history of FPN and the beauty of our buildings.
We remind others of the spark of divinity within them.
We retain our sense of humor.
We know that the feelings of others matter to the well-being of our entire community.
Our Welcoming Congregation Program
First Parish of Norwell is an official Welcoming Congregation, having completed the prescribed voluntary program of self-examination and action required by the UUA. The Welcoming Congregation Program is a completely volunteer program for congregations that see a need to become more inclusive towards bisexual, gay, lesbian, and/or transgender people. It consists of a series of workshops developed by the UUA. The goal of the workshops is to reduce prejudice by increasing understanding and acceptance among people of different sexual orientations. Each congregation adapts the program to best meet its goals and each unique situation can bring positive changes to individuals and congregations.
Only when we are truly open to the wealth of diversity in our world will the inherent worth and dignity of every person be affirmed with a large voice.