Congregational Governance & Practice
Congregational polity, the way in which our church is organized and governed, is a vital part of our Unitarian Universalist tradition.
As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we are a self-governing entity with the right to control our own finances and property, to call our own minister, and to select our own leadership and form of governance. Ministry is a shared endeavor that engages all members in the work of our congregation. Committees are the backbone of the organizational structure of the church and are the primary method for how our ministry is accomplished. Committees are also a vehicle for channeling the individual talents and qualities of our members for the benefit of First Parish and the community we serve.
First Parish Committees are categorized as follows:
Elected Committees
Administrative Positions
Parish Committee
Invested Funds
Standing Committees
Property Management
Denominational Affairs
Shared Ministry Team
Worship & Music
Congregational Meetings
Reliance upon the democratic process is a hallmark of Unitarian Universalism. At First Parish of Norwell, membership includes the right to vote at called meetings of the church. There are two types of meetings of the Parish, the Annual Meeting and one or more Special Meetings.
The Parish Clerk notifies the Parish of all meetings by posting an agenda at least 14 days before the meeting. The posting and notification are publicized on the Parish Hall bulletin board, church website, and during the Sunday service announcements. Notice of the meeting is also sent electronically or by U.S. mail to each member at least eight days before the meeting. Each member is entitled to one vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Friends of the Parish are welcome and may speak except when withdrawn by majority vote of the members. The meeting quorum is twenty voting members. “First Parish of Norwell Parliamentary Procedures” prevails at all meetings
The Annual Meeting is held in June of each year prior to the fiscal year end of June 30th. The primary purposes of the annual meeting are to vote on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, hear and accept the written reports of all committees and related church organizations, elect new committee members to "elected committees" of the church, such as the Parish Committee, Finance Committee and Invested Funds Committee, and to vote in new members. Of course, the Annual Meeting will address all issues presented in the agenda. One tradition in the church is the right to make suggestions to the Parish Committee to address issues of concern to members.
Special Meetings may be called from time to time by the Parish Committee or by written request of ten members submitted to the Clerk. A Special Meeting is held each fall to review the finances of the church, usually in October.
Election to Parish offices and "Elected" Committees is accomplished through the nomination of members by the Nominating Committee. Additional nominations can be made from the floor. Parish officers each serve for three-year terms and include the Auditor, Clerk, Moderator, Deputy Moderator, and Treasurer. Elected committees are the Parish Committee, Finance Committee, Invested Funds Committee, James Library Board, Nominating Committee and the Interim or Called Minister Search Committee. Other elected positions include Delegates to the UUA General Assembly and the chair of the First Parish Preschool Executive Committee. The terms for these committees and positions vary as indicated in the First Parish of Norwell Bylaws. All Parish officers and elected committee members must be members of the church except the Treasurer, James Library and Center for the Arts Board members and the chair of the First Parish Preschool Executive Committee. The Interim or Called Minister Search Committee is elected, but by the Parish Committee. All other committees of the Church are Standing Committees which are non-elected committees of the Parish. Friends of the Parish can serve on Standing Committees.
Our Congregation came together in 2020 to create a 5-year strategic plan for the church. Read the First Parish Strategic Plan.