Standing Committees
The primary purpose of the Activities Committee is to identify, schedule, and coordinate various events to promote fellowship and community (some of them fundraising). Examples are: Potluck Suppers, the Holiday Fair, Talent Shows, Easter Breakfast and Golf Tournament, but not the annual Canvass. The Activities Committee provides a liaison between the Parish Committee, the Parish, and the committees set up to run the various events and activities. In addition to contributing funds to the church's operating revenues, these events and activities help to develop community-sharing, caring, giving, serving, fun, affection, and getting to know other families.
Committee Chair: Peg Kitchenham
The Property Management Committee maintains all of the church grounds, mowing grassy areas, weeding the plots of myrtle bordering both sides of the church building, and keeping the parking areas clean. The committee is also responsible for building repairs that cost less than $1,000, provide maintenance plans and often conduct the repair work themselves. They communicate with the Board of Selectmen for permits when renovations to walkways and parking areas are necessary. The committee is responsible for the large woodland area known as the Triangle Property across the street from the Meetinghouse and behind the Kent House-clearing the area, planting bulbs, removing dead trees and pruning live ones when necessary. In addition, the committee maintains a very old, small, church-owned cemetery on lower Main Street. It also serves as a liaison between the church Sexton and Parish.
The Property Management Committee also assesses, plans and implements work on church owned buildings, specifically, the Meeting House, Parish Hall, Parsonage, and the Kent House on any projects that exceed $1,000. Because of the frequent and sometimes costly repairs involved, the committee works closely with the Parish Committee, Finance Committee and Treasurer with recommended expenditures. It contracts for, and oversees the work.
Committee Chair: Noel Constantino
The purpose of the Shared Ministry Team is to support and advance the ministry of the Parish. As such, one of the committee’s tasks is to evaluate how things are going at church on an ongoing basis, and every three years to conduct a formal evaluation of the minister. The Shared Ministries Team will also serve to manage conflicts, complaints or other issues which may arise within the congregation by encouraging direct communication. We invite and encourage anyone with concerns, suggestions or praise regarding any aspect of Parish ministry to contact us. Finally, the team crafts and proposes policy as requested by the Parish Committee (such as the Right Relations Covenant and the Sexual Offenders Policy).
Committee Chair: Mary Mercier
The Helen Fogg Outreach Committee helps focus the attention of the church on some of the social problems facing us in today's complex world. The committee not only educates, but also encourages action. Through the efforts of the committee, the church congregation will contribute to already existing social justice and outreach efforts. Four areas of focus help to organize our work: Neighbor to Neighbor, Sustainable Development, Education, and Human Rights . In the spirit of the words of our covenant - "to minister to each other's needs and to those of humanity" – the Helen Fogg Outreach Committee empowers the ministry of social justice and outreach at First Parish by serving as a conduit for outreach to the wider community locally, nationally and internationally.The Helen Fogg Outreach Committee is composed of interested volunteers in the congregation and elects its own chair. It is supported by funding from the annual church budget and additional monthly Sunday collections to benefit worthy charities and causes.
Learn more about this important Committee connecting First Parish of Norwell to larger issues of our society.
Committee Chair: Alan Prouty
The Congregational Care Team works with and supports the minister's pastoral ministry in reaching out to all members and friends of First Parish of Norwell. We support those who are adjusting to change, loss, illness or death. We share in moments of celebration and happiness. We reach out to those who are unable to get out and who would like a visit. We share in situations that require a special touch of human kindness and an open ear. Pastoral Care Team members are a caring, listening presence, but do not counsel, perform therapy or offer advice.
In all our contacts we remember the importance of confidentiality. The Pastoral Care Team members will be in contact with the Minister regarding important information and, unless requested otherwise, will share information with each other in order to benefit from mutual insight and support. Beyond this, all information imparted to the Pastoral Care Team members will be treated with the same confidentiality that applies to the Minister or as mandated by law.
Please contact us if we might be of help or comfort. We count on the congregation to keep us in touch with pastoral needs of our community.
Committee Chairs: Marcia Babcock and Wendy Brown
The Religious Education Committee establishes the purposes and goals of the Religious Education program. This committee supports, advises and assists the Director of Religious Education (DRE) in evaluating and selecting church school curriculum to implement those goals. With the DRE, the committee recruits and trains church school teachers, plans extra curricular activities to enrich the church school program, and facilitates church school presentations in worship services. They also plan the budget and direct expenditure of money for materials and supplies.
Committee Chair: Amanda Adams
The Membership Committee is less a committee and more a large group of 30 parishioners who have agreed to donate a few hours (roughly 2 to 4 hours) over the course of a year for the purpose of increasing membership at First Parish Norwell. They serve as greeters before Sunday worship services, making visitors feel welcome. They also participate in social gathering for prospective members, and help present “Unitarian Universalism 101” workshops once or twice per year.
Committee Chair: Betsy Gordon
The Worship and Music Committee secures, works with, and supports our Organist/Music Director. It provides a liaison among director, minister, choirs, Parish Committee and church members.
With the Music Director, this committee works to provide the best music program possible for the parish including music during regular church services, special holiday music for other services and the occasional inclusion of church member and/or professional musicians.
The Committee is also responsible for keeping our musical instruments (organ, pianos, harpsichord, and hand chimes) tuned and in good working condition. We carefully consider the budget to support the fees of tuning the instruments, paying musicians, and purchasing music and new hymnals as needed.
The Worship and Music Committee also works with the Minister to ensure that worship services are meaningful, reflect our Unitarian Universalist values, and run smoothly. We do this by:
*meeting once a month
*supporting and assisting the minister in making worship a positive experience.
*building community by encouraging lay participation in the worship service
*coordinating with the Music Director, Director of Religious Education, Head Usher and others as needed
*attending to the aesthetics and needed elements of the service with flowers, candles, bread, etc.
*arranging and facilitating services in the absence of the Minister
Read the full Worship/Music Committee Description
Committee Chair: Marie Miller
The Denominational Affairs Committee renews the congregation's certification with the UUA. One need not be a delegate to belong to this committee.