Worship Volunteers
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Download Ushering Instructions in PDF format
Updated May 2016
1. Set the thermostat on back wall to 63 (if not already at that temperature)
2. Turn on rheostat for the chandelier (opposite the thermostat) to indicated marker ( | )
3. Turn on all lights at the panel on the left hand wall in the lobby
4. Unlock the front door (the insertion key to release the crash bar is hanging to the left of the church doors)
5. Test both microphones (found in cubby holes), along with the one in the stand up front
6. Ensure that hearing assisted devices are out & available in baskets at both door locations, with the exception of the "named" devices marked in the cubbie's in the back of the meeting house
7. Pew doors should be left open to make it easier for people to enter their pew
8. Turn on sound system in pew to left of pulpit (orange button on floor power strip)
9. Place two fresh glasses of water from the kitchen in the pulpit AND two Orders of Service
10. Turn on the pulpit spotlight with switch near floor by right hand chair
11. Light the small "tea light" next to the chalice
12. Change the hymn numbers on the wall, either side of the pulpit
13. Ensure handicapped door on the south side of church is unlocked, with the crash bar receded and the switch above the door flipped to the “on” position (if sexton hasn't already done so)
14. Place offertory collection "plates" under the front table on the floor
15. Check that the literature in each slot on the back of the pews is fully stocked
16. Turn ON recording device just before service begins (see separate posted instructions)
1. Be ready to assist anyone needing help finding a seat or entering or leaving the pews
2. During "Joys and Concerns" take microphones to those raising their hands
3. AFTER the Sunday School leaves, count the congregation: adults & choir ONLY (unless multi-generational service, then count children too) & record the results in the attendance booklet
4. Take the collection after it is said, "The offering will gratefully be received"
• Go to the front of the church and get the collection boxes from the pulpit table
• Collect from each pew up the center aisle
• Once at the back of the church, move to the side aisle and walk all the way to the front pew, then collect from each pew coming up the side aisles
• Meet in back & bring collection boxes to the minister in front of the pulpit table
1. Turn OFF recording device (per separate printed instructions) and then the sound system by turning off orange button on floor power strip
2. Take the two glasses of water from the pulpit back to the kitchen
3. Remove everything from the pews but hymnals (collect waste paper for recycling)
4. Stack the hymnals next to the aisle corner of the pew (three per pew for each grey & teal)
5. Leave the pew doors open
6. Lock the front door with the release key (crash bar pops out when locked)
7. Turn off all lights (spotlight, chandelier, and panel switches in the lobby)
8. Set the thermostat to 56
9. Follow printed instruction sheets for dealing with the monetary contributions
10. Return collection boxes to the front of the meeting house
Worship Associates
Interested in volunteering as a Worship Associate? Sign up here.
Worship Associates participate in the church service by reading the opening reading and Chalice reading (provided to you by the Minister). On the day you participate in the service, Worship Associates are requested to attend the pre-service meeting (9:45am) with the Minister, Choir, Music Director, Ushers and Director of Community Engagement to go over the flow for the day.